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Adresa: AGRO CS a.s., Nyklíčkova 107 (areál bývalé TIBY), 552 03 Česká Skalice
AGRO CS a. s. is a purely Czech business founded in 1992.
At that time the company followed up on the activities of Agropodnik Česká Skalice, which delivered advisory services as well as storage and fertilizer applications to farming corporations.
For the development in the past few years, AGRO CS had built on its expert skills and knowledge and in 1994 we expanded our activities by producing substrates and fertilizers in consumer packaging. The company had systematically developed this activity to its current position of an East and Central European leader in substrates, fertilizers, and grass seed.
A massive development of the company demanded an expansion of the production and warehousing capacity. In 2007 we built a new production and logistics centre with an overall capacity of 115,000 m2 of outdoor hard surface and almost 60,000 m3 of indoor warehousing space.
In 2009 and 2011 AGRO CS had established two daughter companies in Lithuania, both focusing on the extraction of black and white peat, i.e. the essential resource for the production of substrates.
We became fully independent and self-sufficient in satiating our needs of peat in 2015 when we acquired a peat bog in Belarus. The stock of the local high-quality peat will cover the needs of our company for at least the forthcoming 20 – 30 years.
Since 2013, AGRO CS has been engaged in primary agricultural production through its two own agricultural companies focusing on crop and livestock farming - Nahořanská a.s. and AGROPROVODOV a.s..
In 2018 we acquired the company Jeseničan in order to enter the market of pet food, especially for cats and dogs, under our GRAND label.
Currently there are five divisions of AGRO CS with over 250 employees. With our daughter companies we have more than 700 employees.
The turnover of the company on the domestic market exceeds CZK 1.9 billion (70 mil €).
Our daughter companies are active on the markets in Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania.
AGRO CS a. s. is a purely Czech business founded in 1992.
At that time the company followed up on the activities of Agropodnik Česká Skalice, which delivered advisory services as well as storage and fertilizer applications to farming corporations.
For the development in the past few years, AGRO CS had built on its expert skills and knowledge and in 1994 we expanded our activities by producing substrates and fertilizers in consumer packaging. The company had systematically developed this activity to its current position of an East and Central European leader in substrates, fertilizers, and grass seed.
A massive development of the company demanded an expansion of the production and warehousing capacity. In 2007 we built a new production and logistics centre with an overall capacity of 115,000 m2 of outdoor hard surface and almost 60,000 m3 of indoor warehousing space.
In 2009 and 2011 AGRO CS had established two daughter companies in Lithuania, both focusing on the extraction of black and white peat, i.e. the essential resource for the production of substrates.
We became fully independent and self-sufficient in satiating our needs of peat in 2015 when we acquired a peat bog in Belarus. The stock of the local high-quality peat will cover the needs of our company for at least the forthcoming 20 – 30 years.
Since 2013, AGRO CS has been engaged in primary agricultural production through its two own agricultural companies focusing on crop and livestock farming - Nahořanská a.s. and AGROPROVODOV a.s..
In 2018 we acquired the company Jeseničan in order to enter the market of pet food, especially for cats and dogs, under our GRAND label.
Currently there are five divisions of AGRO CS with over 250 employees. With our daughter companies we have more than 700 employees.
The turnover of the company on the domestic market exceeds CZK 1.9 billion (70 mil €).
Our daughter companies are active on the markets in Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania.
AGRO CS a. s. is a purely Czech business founded in 1992.
At that time the company followed up on the activities of Agropodnik Česká Skalice, which delivered advisory services as well as storage and fertilizer applications to farming corporations.
For the development in the past few years, AGRO CS had built on its expert skills and knowledge and in 1994 we expanded our activities by producing substrates and fertilizers in consumer packaging. The company had systematically developed this activity to its current position of an East and Central European leader in substrates, fertilizers, and grass seed.
A massive development of the company demanded an expansion of the production and warehousing capacity. In 2007 we built a new production and logistics centre with an overall capacity of 115,000 m2 of outdoor hard surface and almost 60,000 m3 of indoor warehousing space.
In 2009 and 2011 AGRO CS had established two daughter companies in Lithuania, both focusing on the extraction of black and white peat, i.e. the essential resource for the production of substrates.
We became fully independent and self-sufficient in satiating our needs of peat in 2015 when we acquired a peat bog in Belarus. The stock of the local high-quality peat will cover the needs of our company for at least the forthcoming 20 – 30 years.
Since 2013, AGRO CS has been engaged in primary agricultural production through its two own agricultural companies focusing on crop and livestock farming - Nahořanská a.s. and AGROPROVODOV a.s..
In 2018 we acquired the company Jeseničan in order to enter the market of pet food, especially for cats and dogs, under our GRAND label.
Currently there are five divisions of AGRO CS with over 250 employees. With our daughter companies we have more than 700 employees.
The turnover of the company on the domestic market exceeds CZK 1.9 billion (70 mil €).
Our daughter companies are active on the markets in Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania.